Every election season in the US, some critics say that there has been voter fraud, and it will threaten the legitimacy of American democracy.
Critics say these claims are not backed up by any evidence.
But fraud does happen.

Amanda Murphy moved from California to Texas a year ago and voted in person for Trump in the 2020 election. However, when she checked voter records on the official voterstatus.gov website, she discovered that she had been registered as a “permanent vote-by-mail voter” in Orange County with a party preference of Democrat, she had been mailed a ballot.

The records also show that this mail-in-ballot had been received and accepted in Orange County, despite the fact that the woman had already moved to Texas.
The woman was surprised to learn that records also say she voted in 2016, when she didn’t vote at all.

Adapted from here 


Every election season in the US, some critics say that there has been ____________________, and it will____________________the legitimacy of American democracy.

Critics say these ____________________are not backed up by any ____________________.
But ____________________does happen.

Amanda Murphy ____________________from California to Texas a year ago and voted ____________________for Trump in the 2020 election.

However, when she ____________________voter records on the official voterstatus.gov website, she ____________________that she had been registered as a “permanent ____________________voter” in Orange County with a party preference of Democrat, she had been ____________________a ballot.

The records also show that this ____________________had been received and ____________________in Orange County, ____________________the fact that the woman had already ____________________Texas.

The woman was____________________to learn that records also say she ____________________in 2016, when she didn’t ____________________at all.


accept [ək’sept] v. принимать
attorney general [ə’təːnɪ] [‘ʤen(ə)r(ə)l] генеральный прокурор
authorize [‘ɔːθ(ə)raɪz] v. уполномочивать, санкционировать
back up [ˈbæk,ʌp] v. подкреплять: to back up by evidence приводить доказательства
ballot [‘bælət] избирательный бюллетень; голосование
campaign [kæm’peɪn] кампания; избирательный штаб
claim [kleɪm] v заявлять, утверждать;
claim заявление, утверждение
despite [dɪ’spaɪt] несмотря на
election [ɪ’lekʃ(ə)n] выборы, избирательная кампания
evidence [‘evɪd(ə)ns] улика, подтверждение, доказательство
fraud [frɔːd] обман, мошенничество: voter fraud / vote fraud мошенничество на выборах, мошенничество с поданными голосами избирателей
however [hau’evə] однако
investigate [ɪn’vestɪgeɪt] v. расследовать
investigation [ɪnˌvestɪ’geɪʃ(ə)n] расследование
legitimacy [lɪ’ʤɪtəməsɪ] законность
mail [meɪl]v. отправлять по почте
mail почтовая корреспонденция;
mail-in-ballot отправленный по почте избирательный бюллетень
move [muːv] to move to переезжать (на новое место)
permanent [‘pɜːm(ə)nənt] постоянный
preference [‘pref(ə)r(ə)ns] предпочтение
record [‘rekɔːd] запись; to record [rɪ’kɔːd] записывать
threaten [‘θret(ə)n]v. угрожать; threat [θret] угроза, опасность
vote [vəut] v. голосовать
voter [‘vəutə] избиратель
voter records списки избирателей


There is evidence of voter fraud, says the Trump campaign.
There is no evidence of voter fraud, says the Biden campaign.
US attorney general orders ‘vote fraud’ investigation.
Voter fraud investigation has been authorized.



угрожать ____________________

принимать ____________________

заявлять, утверждать ____________________

генеральный прокурор____________________

избирательный бюллетень ____________________

несмотря на ____________________

обман, мошенничество ____________________

законность ____________________

доказательство, подтверждение____________________



Fraud does happen. Глагол does употреблён здесь для того, чтобы подчеркнуть: Нарушения в ходе избирательных кампаний действительно происходят. Это эмфаза, она выделяет и подчёркивает смысл высказывания.



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