The US election hangs in the balance.
It is an extremely close race.
Millions of votes have not been counted yet.
And no candidate can claim victory as yet.
But Donald Trump has already declared himself the victor of the presidential election.
The US election
in the balance.It is an extremely close .
Millions of votes have not been yet.
And no candidate can victory as yet.
But Donald Trump has already himself the victor of the presidential election.
claim [kleɪm] v. требовать; заявлять: to claim victory заявлять о победе
close race напряжённая гонка, в которой шансы участников равны
hang [hæŋ] (hung – hung [hʌŋ]) v. вешать, висеть: to hang in the balance быть в подвешенном состоянии
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