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allow [ə’lau] v. позволять, разрешать: not to allow somebody to leave quickly не дать кому-то быстро ретироваться/удалиться
beat [biːt] (beat – beaten [‘biːtn]) v. бить: one fighter beats the other один боец задаёт другому жару
choose [ʧuːz] (chose [ʃəuz] – chosen [‘ʧəuz(ə)n]) v. выбирать: questions from handpicked reporters chosen by his handlers вопросы, которые задают карманные репортёры, отобранные его (Байдена) кураторами
decent [‘diːs(ə)nt] пристойный; подходящий, хороший
handler [‘hændlə] дрессировщик; оператор; куратор
hand(-)picked [‘hæn(d)pɪkt] отобранный, подобранный
heavyweight championship [‘hevɪweɪt] [‘ʧæmpɪənʃɪp] чемпионат среди спортсменов в тяжелом весе
joint [ʤɔɪnt] совместный: there was no joint presser совместной пресс-конференции не было
judge [‘ʤʌʤ] судья; в данном контексте Judge – обращение к ведущей программы (она работала судьёй)
M.O. = modus operandi [ˌməudəsˌɔpə’rændiː] образ действия
meltdown [‘meltdaun] расплавление ядерных топливных элементов реактора; крах; провал; потеря самообладания
endurance [ɪn’djuər(ə)ns] / [en’djuər(ə)ns] выносливость: mental endurance умственная выносливость
occasion [ə’keɪʒ(ə)n] возможность, шанс; случай: on the rare occasions he actually does a press conference в тех редких случаях, когда он даёт-таки пресс-конференцию
pair [peə] v. в данном контексте поставить рядом: If Biden was paired with Putin Если бы Байдена и Путина поставили вместе
presser = press-conference
punish [‘pʌnɪʃ] v. наказывать: to punish somebody наказать кого-то
rare [reə] – редкий a rare occasion редкий случай, редкая возможность
read [riːd] (read – read [red]) v. читать: to read something; he reads some of those answers verbatim off of note-cards written for him он слово в слово зачитывает некоторые ответы с карточек, которые для него пишут
run [rʌn] (ran [ræn] – run) v. бежать: to run off the stage моментально удалиться со сцены
verbatim [vɜː’beɪtɪm] слово в слово
while [(h)waɪl] for a while в течение некоторого времени
write [raɪt] (wrote [rəut] – written [‘rɪt(ə)n]) v. писать: to write something; the note-cards written for him написанные для него ответы на карточках
“… here is the reason why there was no joint presser between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. Because Biden’s M.O., Judge, is, on the rare occasions he actually does a press conference, take maybe seven, eight, nine questions from handpicked reporters chosen by his handlers.
From there he reads some of those answers verbatim off of note-cards written for him.
Then he runs off the stage, maybe takes one more question on the way out.
If Biden was paired with Putin, he would not ever, he being Putin, would not have allowed Biden to leave so quickly.
He’d probably keep him on stage an hour, maybe two hours, like a heavyweight championship where one fighter knows that he is going to beat the other but he wants to punish him for a while.
He would force him to take multiple questions outside of his comfort zone while testing Biden’s mental endurance.
And based on Biden’s meltdown over one question by Kaitlan Collins that would have been a catastrophe, Judge. “
“Well, and you know”…
Это упражнение можно распечатать и заполнить пропуски от руки
Here is the __________ why there was no ________ presser between
Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. Because Biden’s M.O. is, on the
_________ occasions he actually ___________ a press conference, take
maybe seven, eight, nine questions from ____________ reporters
___________ by his ______________.
From there he ____________ some of those ______________ verbatim off
of note-cards ____________for him.
Then he __________ _____ the stage, maybe ____________one more question on the
_________ ___.
If Biden was paired with Putin, he would not ever, he being Putin, would not
have __________ Biden to _________ so quickly.
He’d probably __________ him on stage an hour, maybe two hours,
like a ____________ championship where one fighter ___________ that he
is going to __________ the other but he wants to ____________ him for a
He would ____________ him to take multiple ___________ outside of his
__________ _______ while testing Biden’s mental____________.
And based on Biden’s ____________ over one question by Kaitlan Collins
that would have been a _______________.
reason; joint; rare; does; handpicked; chosen; handlers; reads; answers; written; runs off; takes; way out; allowed; leave; keep; heavyweight; knows;
beat; punish; while; force; questions; comfort zone; endurance; meltdown; catastrophe.
Here is the reason why there was between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden.
Because Biden’s M.O. is, he actually does a press conference, take maybe seven, eight, nine questions from reporters chosen by his .
From there he reads some of those answers off of written for him.
Then he the stage, maybe takes one more question .
If Biden was with Putin, he would not ever, he being Putin, would not have Biden to leave so .
He’d probably him on stage an hour, maybe two hours, like a championship where one knows that he is going to the other but he wants to him for a while.
He would him to take multiple questions outside of his while testing Biden’s mental .
And based on Biden’s over one question by Kaitlan Collins that would have been a .
- Was there a joint presser between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden?
- Does Biden take many questions at a press conference?
- How many questions does he usually take?
- Who does he take questions from?
- He reads the answers from note-cards, doesn’t he?
- Does he run off the stage after that?
- How many questions does he take running off the stage?
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