Daphne du Maurier (1907 – 1989)
English author and playwright
Meet Daphne du Maurier in person.
First, familiarize yourself with the vocabulary list below.
Watch the video to get a first impression. Not everything, perhaps, is clear.
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Listen to the audio and read the text.
In the
of her West Country home we meet the famous of Rebecca,Frenchman’s Creek, The King’s General and other
, miss Daphne Du Maurier.Miss Du Maurier is the wife of Major-General Browning, leader of the
Red Devils, and the mother of these charming children Christian and Flavia.This is the sort of relaxation that Miss du Maurier
.By the way, she’s a
archer and bird watcher but her novels and film scripts leave her very little .When ideas come they must be
and put on paper before they again.It’s on these
that Miss du Maurier has many of those who have millions with their vitality and zest for .VOCABULARY
airborne [‘eəbɔːn] воздушно-десантный
archer [‘ɑːʧə] стрелок из лука
bird watcher орнитолог
enjoy [ɪn’ʤɔɪ] , [en’ʤɔɪ]] v. любить
film script сценарий фильма
ground [graund] грунт, почва
keen [kiːn] увлечённый, увлекающийся чем-л.
playwright [‘pleɪraɪt] драматург
privacy [‘prɪvəsɪ] / [‘praɪvəsɪ] британский и американский варианты произнесения: уединение; частная жизнь
slip away v. ускользать
spare time свободное время: spare [speə]
West Country, the: юго-западная часть Англии (включает графства Корнуолл, Девон и Сомерсет)
zest [zest]: zest for adventure жажда приключений
The West Country
Frederick Browning
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