Daphne du Maurier (1907 – 1989)
English author and playwright

Meet Daphne du Maurier in person.
First, familiarize yourself with the vocabulary list below.
Watch the video to get a first impression. Not everything, perhaps, is clear.
You will watch the video a second time and read the test.


Listen to the audio and read the text.


In the ____________of her West Country home we meet the famous ____________of Rebecca,

Frenchman’s Creek, The King’s General and other ____________, miss Daphne Du Maurier.

Miss Du Maurier is the wife of Major-General Browning, leader of the ____________Red Devils, and the mother of these charming children Christian and Flavia.

This is the sort of relaxation that Miss du Maurier ____________.

By the way, she’s a ____________archer and bird watcher but her novels and film scripts leave her very little ____________.

When ideas come they must be ____________and put on paper before they ____________again.

It’s on these ____________that Miss du Maurier has ____________many of those ____________who have ____________millions with their vitality and zest for ____________.


airborne [‘eəbɔːn] воздушно-десантный

archer [‘ɑːʧə]  стрелок из лука

bird watcher орнитолог

enjoy [ɪn’ʤɔɪ] [en’ʤɔɪ]] v. любить

film script сценарий фильма

ground [graund] грунт, почва

keen [kiːn] увлечённый, увлекающийся чем-л.

playwright [‘pleɪraɪt] драматург

privacy [‘prɪvəsɪ] / [‘praɪvəsɪ] британский и американский варианты произнесения: уединение; частная жизнь

slip away v. ускользать

spare time свободное время: spare [speə]

West Country, the: юго-западная часть Англии (включает графства Корнуолл, Девон и Сомерсет)

zest [zest]: zest for adventure жажда приключений








The West Country   

Frederick Browning


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