Thanksgiving is a holiday in the United States.
It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.
This year Thanksgiving was celebrated on November 26th.
The holiday dates back to 1621.
In October of that year, the first harvest was in.
And the Pilgrims had a three-day feast.
There were 53 (fifty-three) Pilgrims and 90 (ninety) Native Americans, or Indians, at the “First Thanksgiving.”
Indians had helped the Pilgrims, and the Pilgrims had enough food for the winter.
They were happy and grateful.
Today Native Americans are not happy, and they are not grateful to the Americans.
There is nothing for them to be happy about.
And there is nothing for them to be grateful for.
Thanksgiving is a in the United States.
It is on the fourth Thursday of November.
This year Thanksgiving was on November 26th.
The holiday dates 1621.
In October of that year, the first was in.
And the Pilgrims had a three-day .
There were 53 (fifty-three) Pilgrims and 90 (ninety) Native Americans, or Indians, at the .
Indians had the Pilgrims, and the Pilgrims had food for the winter.
They were happy and .
Today Native Americans are not
, and they are not to the Americans.There is nothing for them to be .
And there is nothing for them to be .
When is Thanksgiving celebrated in the US? .
When was Thanksgiving celebrated this year? .
What year does the holiday date back to? .
In October of that year, the first harvest was in, wasn’t it? .
And the Pilgrims had a three-day feast, didn’t they? .
How many Pilgrims were there at the “First Thanksgiving“? .
How many Native Americans were there at the “First Thanksgiving”? .
Indians had helped the Pilgrims, hadn’t they? .
And the Pilgrims had enough food for the winter, didn’t they? .
The Pilgrims were happy and grateful, weren’t they? .
Are Native Americans happy today? .
Are they grateful to the Americans? .
There is nothing for them to be happy about, is there? .
There is nothing for them to be grateful for, is there? .
Thanksgiving [ˌθæŋks’gɪvɪŋ] / Thanksgiving Day День благодарения
holiday праздник
celebrate [‘seləbreɪt] v. праздновать the holiday is celebrated in November этот праздник отмечают в ноябре
date [deɪt] back to v. относиться к, датироваться: The holiday dates back to 1621. Этот праздник уходит корнями в 1621 г.
feast [fiːst] пир: to have a feast устроить праздничную трапезу; to feast пировать
harvest [‘hɑːvɪst] урожай: to harvest corn собирать урожай кукурузы
in в; the harvest is in урожай собран, разг;
enough [ɪ’nʌf] достаточно, довольно: to have enough food иметь еды в достатке
grateful [‘greɪtf(ə)l]/[‘greɪtful] благодарный: to be grateful
American [ə’merɪkən] американский; американец, американка: the Americans американцы
US [ˌjuː’es] = United States [juːˌnaɪtɪd’steɪts] in the US / in the United States
Pilgrim [‘pɪlgrɪm] амер.; ист. первый колонист: the Pilgrims
Native [‘neɪtɪv] American, представитель коренного населения Америки (американский индеец)
Indian [‘ɪndɪən] американский индеец (в настоящее время слово считается неполиткорректным)
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