Nine leading American and European drug-makers promised to follow scientific standards in the race to develop an effective coronavirus vaccine.

The companies, including Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and AstraZeneca, made the promise after concerns were raised that safety standards might decline in the attempt to find a vaccine.

The companies said in a statement they would “uphold the integrity of the scientific process.”

The promise to play by established rules comes at a time of highly politicized debate. The debate is over what actions are needed to quickly control COVID-19 and increase international business and trade.

Last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that Russia had become the first country to approve a vaccine for COVID-19. But some scientists question whether its quick approval will lead to a safe vaccine.

Last week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said COVID-19 vaccines could be approved by the Food and Drug Administration just days before the November 3 presidential election.

The announcement followed comments from President Donald Trump suggesting that the U.S. may have a vaccine before the election. Senator Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s vice presidential nominee, said she would not take Trump’s word alone on any possible coronavirus vaccine.

The drug-makers say approval for a COVID-19 vaccine must be based on trials of large groups of people from different ages, races, and ethnic groups. The trials must compare similar groups that do not receive the vaccine in question. People taking part in the trial must not know which group they belong to.
Extracts from a post by the VOA


Responding to critics, Moscow showed that the vaccine produces an antibody response in all participants. No serious side effects have been registered.

The president’s daughter has also taken part in the testing of the vaccine. “She feels well, and the concentration of antibodies is high,” said Putin. “The main thing is to ensure unconditional safety and effectiveness of this vaccine in the future,” said the Russian president.

The vaccine is named Sputnik V, after the Soviet-era space program.
It is based on a proven vaccine against the common cold.
It is a viral vector vaccine. It uses another virus to get the needed immune response.
The vaccine is administered in two doses.

The Russian vaccine Sputnik has not appeared out of thin air. Russian scientists have been developing the platform for the vaccine for over 20 years.

This platform has already proven itself.
Thus, Russia has successfully developed a vaccine against Ebola, using this platform.


Nine leading American and European drug-makers promised to ________ scientific standards in the race to ________an effective coronavirus vaccine.

The companies made the promise after concerns were ________that safety standards might________in the attempt to find a vaccine.

The companies said in a statement they would “uphold the ________of the scientific process.”

The promise to play by ________rules comes at a time of highly politicized debate. The debate is over what actions are ________to quickly control COVID-19 and ________international business and trade.

Last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin ________ that Russia had become the first country to ________ a vaccine for COVID-19.

But some scientists question whether its quick________ will lead to a safe vaccine.

Last week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said COVID-19 vaccines could be ________ by the Food and Drug Administration just days before the November 3 presidential election.

The ________followed comments from President Donald Trump ________that the U.S. may have a vaccine before the election.

Senator Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s vice presidential ________, said she would not________ Trump’s word________ on any possible coronavirus vaccine.

The drug-makers say ________ for a COVID-19 vaccine must be based on ________ of large groups of people from different ages, races, and ethnic groups.

The trials must compare ________groups that do not receive the vaccine in question.

People taking part in the ________must not know which group they ________to.

Responding to critics, Moscow showed that the vaccine produces an antibody ________in all participants. No serious ________ have been registered.

The president’s daughter has also taken ________in the testing of the vaccine.

“She feels well, and the concentration of antibodies is ________,” said Putin. “The main thing is to ________ unconditional safety and________of this vaccine in the future,” said the Russian president.

The vaccine is named Sputnik V, ________the Soviet-era space program.
It is based on a ________vaccine against the ________.
It is a ________vector vaccine.

It uses another virus to get the needed immune ________.
The vaccine is ________in two doses.

The Russian vaccine Sputnik has not ________out of thin________.

Russian scientists have been developing the ________for the vaccine for over 20 years.

This platform has already ________itself.
Thus, Russia has successfully ________a vaccine against Ebola, using this platform.


administer [əd’mɪnɪstə] v. давать (лекарство): The vaccine is administered in two doses
alone [ə’ləun] исключительно: She said she would not take Trump’s word alone on any possible coronavirus vaccine. Она сказала, что не станет полагаться исключительно на заявление Трампа о (скором завершении) работы по созданию вакцины.
announcement [ə’naunsmənt] объявление, заявление о: The announcement followed comments from…
appear [ə’pɪə] v. появляться, возеникать: to appear out of thin air появиться ниоткуда

approval [ə’pruːv(ə)l]  одобрение; утверждение (разрешение): quick approval
approve  [ə’pruːv] v. одобрить, дать разрешение: to approve a vaccine for COVID-19
attempt [ə’tempt] попытка: in the attempt to find a vaccine в ходе работ по созданию вакцины
belong [bɪ’lɔŋ]  v. принадлежать к, быть частью: to belong to a group
compare [kəm’peə] v. сравнивать: The trials must compare similar groups. В ходе испытаний сравнению должны подвергнуться сходные группы.
concern [kən’sɜːn] обеспокоенность, настороженность: to raise concerns высказываются опасения
decline [dɪ’klaɪn] v. ухудшаться: Safety standards might decline in the attempt to find a vaccine. Работы по созданию вакцины могут привести к снижению стандартов безопасности.
develop [dɪ’veləp] v. развивать, создавать
drugmaker [.drʌg’meɪkə] производитель лекарств
ensure [ɪn’ʃuə]/ [en’ʃuə] обеспечивать, гарантировать: to ensure unconditional safety обеспечивать безусловную безопасность
established [ɪs’tæblɪʃt] / [es’tæblɪʃt] упрочившийся: to play by established rules играть по заранее установленным правилам
including [ɪn’kluːdɪŋ] включая
integrity [ɪn’tegrətɪ] честность: to uphold the integrity of the scientific process  сохранять чистоту научных разработок
lead (ledled) v. вести, приводить к: Even quick approval can lead to a safe vaccine. Быстрое одобрение вакцины не означает, что она не безопасна.
nominee [ˌnɔmɪ’niː] vice presidential nominee: кандидат, выдвинутый на должность вице-президента
possible [‘pɔsəbl] возможный
promise [‘prɔmɪs] обещание: to make a promise давать обещание
promise [‘prɔmɪs] v. обещать to promise to follow scientific standards обещать, что исследование будет соответствовать научным стандартам
prove [pruːv] (provedproven) v. доказывать (состоятельность)
proven [‘pruːv(ə)n]  доказвнный; испытанный, проверенный: a proven vaccine against the common cold
race [reɪs] гонка: the race to develop a vaccine
respond [rɪ’spɔnd] v. отвечать; реагировать
response [rɪ’spɔns] отклик, ответ
rule [ruːl] правило, норма
scientific [ˌsaɪən’tɪfɪk] научный: scientific standards
side effects побочные явления от применения лекарств
similar [‘sɪmɪlə] подобный, похожий: similar groups
suggest [sə’ʤest] v. предлагать, советовать; намекать: comments suggesting that комментарии, из которых можно заключить
trial [‘traɪəl] испытание: trials of large groups of people испытание на больших группах; to take part in a trial принять участие в испытании
unconditional [ˌʌnkən’dɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l] безусловный, безоговорочный: to ensure unconditional safety обеспечить безусловную безопасность
uphold [ʌp’həuld] (upheldupheld) v. поддерживать, сохранять: to uphold the integrity of an experiment обеспечить чистоту эксперимента
viral [‘vaɪər(ə)l] вирусный: a viral vector vaccine векторная вакцина против вируса


The Lancet Rules Russian
COVID-19 Vaccine
“Safe And Effective”

Trial results reported Friday by the Lancet, the British medical journal responsible for publishing some of the earliest research on the coronavirus, found that Russia’s Gameleya Institute-developed SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is both effective and safe, though scientists cautioned that long-term study is still required.”


caution [‘kɔːʃ(ə)n] v.  предостерегать
lancet [‘lɑːnsɪt] ланцет
require [rɪ’kwaɪə] v. требовать(ся): long-term study is still required требуется длительное исследование
research [rɪ’sɜːʧ] научное исследование
research [rɪ’sɜːʧ] v.  изучать, исследовать


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