Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall…






Members of Congress were counting electoral votes on Wednesday, January 6th, when Donald Trump loyalists stormed and occupied the Capitol Building.


Counting electoral votes is the final stage of
the presidential election in the US.

The presidential election
took place
on November 3rd, 2020.

On January 6th, Congress met
to confirm the winner

of the presidential election.

There are metal barriers
at the bottom of the steps to the Capitol Building.

The attackers pushed them down.
They pushed away police officers.
They broke windows.  
Some climbed up the side of the building.

The lawmakers were rushed to safety.

Police fired tear gas.

A woman was shot and heavily wounded.
She fell to the floor.
She was later taken to hospital,
where she reportedly died.

After some time,
the attackers were forced out
of the Capitol Building.

The counting of electoral votes
went on,
and Congress certified
Joe Biden’s
presidential election victory.



Members of Congress were ___________________electoral votes on Wednesday, January 6th, when Donald Trump loyalists ____________________and occupied the Capitol Building.

Counting electoral _____________________ is the final stage of the presidential _____________________in the US.

The presidential election_____________________ on November 3rd, 2020.

On January 6th Congress met to _____________________the winner of the presidential election.

There are metal barriers at the _____________________of the _____________________to the Capitol Building.

The attackers _____________________them down.

They_____________________police officers.

They _____________________windows.  

Some _____________________the side of the building.

The _____________________were rushed to _____________________.

Police fired _____________________.

A woman was shot and heavily _____________________.

She _____________________to the floor.

She was later _____________________to hospital, where she reportedly died.

After some time, the attackers were _____________________of the Capitol Building.

The_____________________of electoral votes _____________________, and Congress _____________________Joe Biden’s presidential election _____________________.



bottom [‘bɔtəm] низ, внизу: at the bottom внизу

Capitol Building, the [‘kæpɪt(ə)l] [‘bɪldɪŋ] здание Капитолия

certify [‘sɜːtɪfaɪ] v. удостоверять: Congress has certified Joe Biden’s presidential election victory. Конгресс утвердил победу Байдена на президентских выборах.

climb [klaɪm] v. залезать, влезать; подниматься, карабкаясь

confirm [kən’fɜːm] v. подтверждать: to confirm the winner of the presidential race утвердить победителся президентской гонки

count [kaunt] v.  считать, подсчитывать

election [ɪ’lekʃ(ə)n] выборы

electoral vote [ɪ’lekt(ə)r(ə)l] [vəut] голос выборщика

fall [fɔːl] падение: to have a fall падать, упасть

go [gəu] (went [went] – gone [gɔn]) v. идти; to go on продолжаться, продолжиться

loyalist [‘lɔɪəlɪst] сторонник, последователь

push [puʃ] v. толкать: to push away отталкивать; They pushed down a barrier. Они опрокинули барьер.

rush [rʌʃ] увлекать, стремительно тащить: The lawmakers were rushed to safety. Законодателей незамедлительно перевели в безопасное место.

shoot [ʃuːt] (shotshot [ʃɔt]) v. стрелять

step [step] ступень, ступенька: at the bottom of the steps внизу лестницы

tear gas [‘tɪəgæs] слезоточивый газ

winner [‘wɪnə] победитель; to win [wɪn] (wonwon) v. победить

wound [wuːnd] v. ранить

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