In February 1836, Davy Crockett and his men arrived at the fort. Colonel Travis was happy to see them.
He asked Davy and his men to defend the Alamo.
“We don’t have many men,” said Colonel Travis. “We must ask for more soldiers. I am sending a messenger to General Fannin. He can send us more soldiers.”
Davy said, “My men and I want to defend the Alamo. We are hunters and trappers. Our long rifles can shoot at a great distance.”
Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie became good friends.
Together they repaired the walls of the fort.
They cleaned the rifles and the cannons.
They were ready for the battle.
In February Davy Crockett and his men
the fort. Colonel Travis was happy
He asked Davy and his men the Alamo.
“We many men,” said Colonel Travis. “We must more soldiers. I am sending a to General Fannin. He can us more soldiers.”
Davy said, “My men and I want to the Alamo. We are and trappers. Our can at a great distance.”
Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie good friends. they the walls of the fort.
They cleaned and the cannons.
They were the battle.
(1) When did Davy Crockett and his men arrive at the fort?
(2) Was Travis happy to see them?
(3) Did he ask Davy and his men to defend the Alamo?
(4) Can long rifles shoot at a great distance?
(5) Did Davy and Jim Bowie become friends?
(6) Did they repair the walls of the fort together?
(7) Did they clean the rifles and the cannons?
(8) Were they ready for the battle?
cannon [‘kænən] пушка
clean [kliːn] чистый
clean [kliːn] v. чистить: They cleaned the cannons. Они чистили пушки.
ready [‘redɪ] готовый
repair [rɪ’peə] v. ремонтировать
rifle [‘raɪfl] винтовка, нарезное оружие; long rifle длинноствольная винтовка
together [tə’geðə] вместе
wall [wɔːl] стена
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