accept [ək’sept] принимать, соглашаться
defeat [dɪ’fiːt] поражение: to accept defeat – признать поражение
refuse [rɪ’fjuːz] v. отказываться: to refuse to accept defeat отказываться признать поражение Donald Trump refuses to accept defeat. Donald Trump was the first president ever to refuse to accept his defeat.
trial [‘traɪəl] судебный процесс, судебное разбирательство: to hold a trial проводить суд, проводить судебные слушания
hold [həuld] (held – held) держать; проводить: to hold a trial
find [faɪnd] (found – found) v. находить; признавать: They found him not guilty of the charges. Он был признан невиновным в предъявленных ему обвинениях.
guilty [‘gɪltɪ] виновный: guilty of the charges виновен по обвинению
charge [ʧɑːʤ] v. осуждать;
charge обвинение: guilty of the charges
impeach [ɪm’piːʧ] v. возбуждать дело об отстранении от должности (обычно высших должностных лиц)
impeachment [ɪm’piːʧmənt] привлечение к ответственности высших должностных лиц государства
face [feɪs] v. столкнуться с неприятностью: to face an impeachment charge after leaving office быть подвергнутым импичменту после ухода с должности
keep (kept – kept) (something) in mind помнить, иметь в виду
make (made – made) sense of something понять, разобраться в чём-то
The historic second impeachment of former President Donald Trump started Tuesday in the United States Senate.
Trump is the first president to be two times.
He is also the first to an impeachment after leaving office.
Timothy Naftali is a professor at New York University and an expert on impeachment. He told the Associated Press, “In trying to a second Trump trial, the public should that Donald Trump was the first president ever to to accept his .”
Presidential impeachment trials have only been three times before.
All three, Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and then Trump last year, were found not of the .
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