“Good evening, Colonel Travis,” said Colonel Bowie. “I have a message for you from General Sam Houston. Here is the letter.”
Colonel Travis opened it. He read it aloud:
You must destroy the Alamo and come with my army!
General Santa Anna will attack the Alamo soon.
General Sam Houston
“What!” said Colonel Travis. “I don’t want to destroy the Alamo. I want to defend it.”
Colonel Bowie said, “We cannot defend the Alamo. We must have more men.”
“Good Colonel Travis,” Colonel Bowie.
“I have a you from General Sam Houston. Here is the .”
Colonel Travis it. He
You must the Alamo and my army! General Santa Anna the Alamo soon. General Sam Houston.
said Colonel Travis. “I don’t want to the Alamo. I want to it.”Colonel Bowie said, “We the Alamo. We must have
(1) Did Travis get a letter?
(2) Did he open it?
(3) Did he read it aloud?
(4) Was Santa Anna going to attack the Alamo soon?
(5) Who was the letter from?
(6) Did the letter say that they had to destroy the Alamo?
(7) Did Travis want to destroy the Alamo?
(8) Did he want to defend it?
aloud [ə’laud] вслух; громко
defend [dɪ’fend] v. защищать
destroy [dɪ’strɔɪ] v. уничтожать, разрушать
letter [‘letə] письмо
message [‘mesɪʤ] сообщение, послание, донесение; письмо
must [mʌst]/[məst] должен:
I must go now. Я сейчас должен уйти.
I had to go when it started to rain. Мне пришлось уйти, когда начался дождь.
must – модальный глагол, выражающий долженствование, относящееся к настоящему времени, вместо формы прошедшего времени можно использовать модальное выражение to have to do something.
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