Santa Anna signed the treaty with the Americans when he was their prisoner. The government of Mexico did not recognize the treaty. But in 1845 the U.S. annexed Texas which Mexico said was Mexican territory.
There was a dispute over where Texas ended – at the Nueces River or the Rio Grande. Later America pressured Mexico to cede even more territories and in 1848 it got the present-day states of:
most of Arizona,
the western half of New Mexico,
the western quarter of Colorado,
and the southwest corner of Wyoming.
All-in-all Mexico lost 54% of its territory.
Santa Anna a treaty with the Americans when he was their .
The government of Mexico did not treaty. But in 1845 the U.S. Texas which Mexico said was .
the All-in-all Mexico 54% of its territory.
(1) Did Santa Anna sign the treaty when he was American prisoner? .
(2) The government of Mexico did not recognize the treaty, did it?
(3) Did the U.S. annex Texas in 1845? .
(4) Did Mexico say that Texas was Mexican territory? .
(5) Was there a dispute over where Texas ended?
(6) Did America later pressure Mexico to cede more territories? .
(7) Did Mexico cede more territories? .
(8) How much of its territory did Mexico lose?
(9) Can you name any of these territories in the present-day USA?
all–in–all [ˌɔːl ɪn`ɔːl] в общем; в общем и целом
annex [ə’neks] v. аннексировать; присоединять,
cede [siːd] оставлять, сдавать (территорию, крепость); уступать, передавать (собственность, права; кому-л.)
cession [‘seʃ(ə)n] цессия, передача, уступка
corner [‘kɔːnə] угол
dispute [‘dɪspjuːt] диспут a dispute over where Texas ended
government [‘gʌv(ə)nmənt] – правительство
half [hɑːf] половина
lose [luːz] (lost – lost [lɔst] ) v. терять
Mexico [‘meksɪkəu] Мексика
most [məust] most of – большая часть чего-то
present–day [ˌprez(ə)nt’deɪ] теперешний, нынешний
recognize [‘rekəgnaɪz] признавать
south(-)west [ˌsauθ’west] юго-запад
Arizona [ˌærɪ’zəunə] Аризона
California [ˌkælɪ’fɔːnɪə] Калифорния
Colorado [ˌkɔl(ə)’rɑːdəu] Колорадо
Nevada [nə’vɑːdə] Невада
New Mexico [ˌnjuː’meksɪkəu] Нью-Мексико
Nueces [‘nueses] River река Нуэ́сес, Ореховая река
Rio Grande [ˈriːoʊˈɡrænd] / [ˈriːoʊˈɡrɑːndeɪ] Рио-Гранде
Utah [‘juːtɑː] Юта
Wyoming [waɪ’əumɪŋ] Вайоминг
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