In 1812 the war between the United States and Britain began.
The Mohawk and Creek Indians fought with the British against the Americans.
The American General Andrew Jackson organized a small army.
He wanted to fight the Creek Indians and the British.

Davy fought with this army.
He was a scout because he knew the territory well.

His work as a scout was very important.
Davy travelled across Tennessee, the Mississippi Territory, Florida, and Louisiana with General Jackson’s army.
The Battle of New Orleans was a big victory for General Jackson and the Americans.
The war ended in 1814.

The British lost the war.
The Indians lost their territories and went away.
New American families settled in the Tennessee hills.

Andrew Jackson (1767 – 1845)
American soldier and statesman.
The seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837.


Tennessee (TN)
Mississippi (MS)
Florida (FL)
Louisiana (LA)





In______ the war between the United States and Britain _______.
The Mohawk and Creek Indians ______ with the British against the Americans.
The American General ______ ______ organized a small army.
He wanted to _____  the Creek Indians and the British.

Davy _____ ____ this army.
He was __ ______ because he ______ the territory _____.

His work as ___ ______ was very ______ .
Davy ______ ____ Tennessee, the Mississippi Territory, Florida, and Louisiana with General Jackson’s army. The Battle of New Orleans ____ __ ____ _______ for General Jackson and the Americans. The war _____ in 1814.

The British _____ the war. The Indians _____ their territories and _____ _____. New American families _____ in the Tennessee hills.


(1) When did the war between the United States and Britain begin?_____________.
(2) Did the Mohawk and Creek Indians fight with the British against the Americans?
_____________ the British against the Americans.

(3) Andrew Jackson organized a small army, didn’t he?
(4) Did he want to fight the Creek Indians and the British?
(5) Davy fought withthis army, didn’t he?
(6) He was a scout, wasn’t he?
(7) Did he know the territory well?
(8) Was his work as ascout important?

(9) The war ended in 1814, didn’t it?
(10) Who lost the war?
(11) Did the Indians lose their territories?

(12) Did they go away?
(13) Who settled in the Tennessee hills?


Creek – индейский народ, проживавший в доколониальный период на юго-востоке США

hostile [ˈhɔstəl] / [‘hɔstaɪl] вражеский; враждебный, недружелюбный

scout [skaut] разведчик
[‘setl] v. селиться

statesman [‘steɪtsmən] (мн. ч. statesmen) – государственный деятель; политик, политический деятель

[ˈmoʊhɔːk] – могавк
the Mohawks – могавки (племя североамериканских индейцев, живущее в Канаде и США)


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