Bubonic plague is known in history as the ‘Black Death‘. It killed one-third of the population of Europe in the 14th century.
It is not common today, in fact, it is rare.
But it has appeared in Mongolia in a region near the Russian border.
Two brothers ate marmot meat. A little later they fell ill. Lab test results show that they have bubonic plague.
The brothers are 27 and 16-years old. They are at separate hospitals now.
to appear [ə’pɪə] – появляться; The plague has again appeared in Mongolia. – Чума вновь появилась (возникла) в Монголии.
border [‘bɔːdə] – граница; near the Russian border – поблизости от границы России
bubonic [bjuː’bɔnɪk] – бубонный
century [‘senʧ(ə)rɪ] – столетие
death [deθ] – смерть; the ‘Black Death’ – чёрная смерть – пандемия чумы
to fall ill – заболеть; to fall [fɔːl] (fell – fallen) – падать; to fall ill with the plague – заболеть чумой
lab [læb] – лаборатория, lab test results – результаты лабораторного исследования
marmot [‘mɑːmət] – сурок
plague [pleɪg] – чума
rare [reə] – редкий
Bubonic plague is known in history as the ‘___ ___‘. It killed one-third of the population of Europe in the 14th ______.
It is not common today, in fact, it is ____.
But it has _____ in Mongolia in a region near the Russian _____.
Two brothers ate marmot _____. A little later they fell ____. Lab test results show that they _____ bubonic plague.
The brothers are 27 and 16-years ___. They are ___ separate hospitals now.
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The bubonic plague can kill in 24 hours.
The symptoms are: fever, headaches, and vomiting.
The lymph nodes under the arms, in the neck, or in the groin become bigger, they become painful. The plague bacteria can also infect the lungs, but this is not so common, this is rare.
fever [‘fiːvə] – жар, лихорадка; If you have a fever, your temperature is high.
groin [grɔɪn] – пах
headache [‘hedeɪk] – головная боль; to have a headache – страдать от головной боли
lymph [lɪmf] node – лимфатический узел
painful [‘peɪnf(ə)l] / [‘peɪnful] – болезненный, причиняющий боль
symptom [‘sɪmptəm] – симптом; What are the black plague symptoms? – Каковы симптомы чёрной чумы?
vomit [‘vɔmɪt] – рвота
The bubonic plague can _____ in 24 hours.
The symptoms are: _____, _______, and _______.
The lymph nodes under the _____, in the _____, or in the _____ become bigger, they become _____. The plague bacteria can also infect the _____, but this is not so common, this is ____.
The brothers caught a marmot, they skinned it and caught the plague in the process. The marmot was infected. And its fleas were infected, too.
It is dangerous to eat marmot. But from time to time local people in the region catch the plague by eating raw marmot meat.
to catch [kæʧ] (caught – caught)- ловить; заразиться; to catch a bird – поймать птицу; to catch the plague – заразиться чумой
to skin – снимать шкуру; to skin an animal – свежевать животное
flea [fliː] – блоха; A flea is a very small jumping insect. Блоха – мелкое прыгучее насекомое.
raw [rɔː] – сырой, raw meat – сырое мясо
The brothers ______ a marmot, they ____ it and _____ the plague in the process. The marmot was ____. And its ____ were infected, too.
It is dangerous to eat marmot. But from time to time local people in the region _____the plague by eating _____ marmot meat.
Plague Cases by Country, 2013-2018
Случаи заболевания чумой в странах мира
The authorities are taking measures. At least 146 people have been isolated at local hospitals. They had contact with the infected brothers. And 504 second-contact individuals have also been identified.
The bubonic plague infects about 2,000 people a year globally. The plague is still very dangerous.
authorities [ɔː’θɔrɪtɪz] – органы власти; authority [ɔː’θɔrɪtɪ] – власть
to identify [aɪ’dentɪfaɪ] – устанавливать личность
measure [‘meʒə] – мера; to take measures – предпринимать меры
The authorities are taking ________. At least 146 people have been ________ at local hospitals. They had _______ with the infected brothers. And 504 second-contact individuals have also been ________.
The bubonic plague _____ about 2,000 people a year ______. The plague is still very ________.
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