A man has been stabbed and beheaded in a Paris suburb.
The attacker has been shot dead by police.
The French anti-terrorism prosecutor has been called in to lead an investigation.
France’s Interior Minister is urgently returning to Paris from Morocco.
The attack took place at about 17:00 local time (15:00 GMT) near a school.
Police arrived at the scene after they received a call about a suspicious individual who was waiting near the school.
The officers found the dead man and then saw the suspect.
He threatened them with a knife.
The attacker was then shot dead by police.
The scene is now sealed off, as the investigation continues.
Police advise members of the public to stay away from the area.
The attacker was stopped about 600 metres from where the attack took place.
The victim was a teacher at a nearby middle school.
He taught history.
A man has been and beheaded in a Paris .
The attacker has been by police.
The French anti-terrorism has been called in to lead an .
France’s Interior Minister is returning to Paris from Morocco.
The attack at about 17:00 local time (15:00 GMT) near a school.
Police arrived at the after they received a call about a individual who was waiting near the school.
The officers the dead man and then saw the .
He them with a .
The attacker was then by police.
The scene is now , as the investigation .
Police members of the public to from the .
He was stopped about 600 metres from where the attack .
The was a teacher at a nearby .
He history.
The Active Voice (Активный залог)
France’s Interior Minister to Paris from Morocco.
The attack at about 17:00 local time (15:00 GMT) near a school.
Police at the scene after they a call about a suspicious individual who near the school.
The officers the dead man and then the suspect.
He them with a knife.
The scene is now sealed off, as the investigation .
Police members of the public to from the area.
He was stopped about 600 metres from where the attack .
The victim was a teacher at a nearby middle school. He history.
The Passive Voice (Пассивный залог)
A man in a Paris suburb.
The attacker by police.
The French anti-terrorist prosecutor to lead an investigation.
The attacker by police.
The scene now , as the investigation continues.
The attacker about 600 metres from where the attack took place.
advise [əd’vaɪz] v. советовать, рекомендовать
area [‘eərɪə] район; огороженный участок
behead [bɪ’hed] v. обезглавливать; to decapitate [dɪ’kæpɪteɪt]
investigate [ɪn’vestɪgeɪt] v. расследовать
investigation [ɪnˌvestɪ’geɪʃ(ə)n] расследование, следствие
knife [naɪf] нож; knives [naɪvz]
metre / meter [‘miːtə] метр: metre is the British spelling, meter is the American spelling
middle school средние классы средней школы
prosecutor [‘prɔsɪkjuːtə] прокурор
scene [siːn] место происшществия
seal off [siːl][ɔf] v. блокировать
shoot [ʃuːt] (shot – shot [ʃɔt]) v. стрелять
stab [stæb] v. ударять (ножом, кинжалом), наносить рану
stay away from v. избегать, держаться подальше от
suburb [‘sʌbɜːb] окраина, пригород
suspicious [sə’spɪʃəs] подозрительный
suspect [sə’spekt] v. подозревать
suspect [‘sʌspekt] им.сущ. подозреваемый
teach [tiːʧ] (taught – taught [tɔːt]) v. учить, вести обучение, преподавать
threaten [‘θret(ə)n] v. грозить, угрожать
urgently [‘ɜːʤ(ə)ntlɪ] срочно
victim [‘vɪktɪm] жертва
First comes the headline, then the news itself:
A man has been killed in a knife attack in a suburb of Paris.
The attacker has been shot dead by police.
A man has been killed in a knife attack in a suburb north-west of the French capital Paris.
Police then shot and killed the suspected attacker near the scene.
Reports suggest that the victim, said to be a teacher, was beheaded.
(1) Where has a man been killed? .
(2) Where is this suburb? .
(3) Was it a knife attack?
(4) Did the police shoot and kill the suspected attacker? .
(5) Did the police shoot and kill the suspected attacker far from the scene? .
(6) Was the victim a teacher? .
(7) What do reports suggest? .
headline [‘hedlaɪn] заголовое, краткое содержание
north-west [ˌnɔːθ’west] / [ˌnɔː’west] северо-запад, на северо-запад от
suggest [sə’ʤest] наводить на мысль: reports suggest that из сообщений можно сделать вывод о том, что / можно заключить
said [sed] said to be a teacher как утверждается, это учитель; to say (said – said) говорить
Continuation of the story here:
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