Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent diseases.
A vaccine helps the body’s immune system to recognize and fight viruses and bacteria, this keeps us safe from the diseases they cause.
Vaccines protect against more than 25 life-threatening diseases, including measles, polio, diphtheria, meningitis, influenza and typhoid.
Today most children receive their vaccines on time. However, nearly 20 million worldwide miss out, this puts them at risk of death, disability and ill health.
- vaccine [‘væksiːn]- вакцина
- to vaccinate [‘væksɪneɪt] – делать прививку
- vaccination [ˌvæksɪ’neɪʃ(ə)n] – прививка оспы; вакцинация
- vaccine-preventable disease – заболевание предупреждаемое с помощью вакцинации
- Children need vaccines to stay healthy.
- Some parents do not want to have their kids vaccinated.
- So, what are vaccines and what do they do?
- Vaccines are also called immunizations.
- Vaccines teach the body to recognize and fight dangerous germs.
- There are a few different types of vaccines.
- Vaccines can control and stop diseases.
- Vaccination protects children from diseases.
- What happens if you don’t vaccinate your child?
- Vaccine-preventable diseases are still a threat.
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