Bridgerton is a Netflix series.
We see the social season in London in 1813.
Debutantes are presented to Queen Charlotte.
Queen Charlotte was a German princess.
She was married to King George III and became the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland.
Queen Charlotte is Queen Victoria’s grandmother and Queen Elizabeth II’s great-great-great-great grandmother.
Some think that Charlotte’s distant ancestors were
a Portuguese monarch
and his north African lover, Madragana.
Some think that it is not true.
But in Bridgerton Queen Charlotte is black.
What did Queen Charlotte look like?
Here is a portrait by Thomas Gainsborough, 1781:
Bridgerton is a Netflix .
We see the in London in1813.
Debutantes are to Queen Charlotte.
Queen Charlotte was a princess.
She was to King George III and became the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland.
She is Queen Victoria’s and Queen Elizabeth II’s great-great-great-great grandmother.
Some think that Charlotte’s distant were a Portuguese and his north African lover, Madragana.
Some think that it is not .
But in Bridgerton Queen is black.
series [‘sɪəriːz] сериал
princess [prɪn’ses] принцесса
George [ʤɔːʤ] Георг, Георгий: King George III (the third) король Георг третий
Charlotte [‘ʃɑːlət] Шарлотта
Portuguese [ˌpɔːʧə’giːz] / [ˌpɔːtjə’giːz] португальский
ancestor [‘ænsəstə] предок
monarch [‘mɔnək] монарх
great [greɪt] great-grandmother прабабушка
true [truː] верный, правильный
social [‘səuʃ(ə)l] светский: social season светский сезон
debutante [‘debjuːtɑːnt] дебютантка: девушка, впервые выезжающая в свет
present [prɪ’zent] дарить, представлять: to present somebody to somebody представлять кому-то кого-то
Bridgerton Бриджертоны, сериал 2020
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