Президент Дональд Трамп впервые с начала пандемии Covid-19 появился перед журналистами в маске, хотя вирусологи с самого начала рекомендовали ношение маски как меру по предотвращению распространения вируса.
На эту тему CNN опубликовал целую статью, как водится, критикующую Трампа, но из неё мы черпнём множество контекстов употребления слова mask – маска.
Трамп долго считал, что если он появится на публике в маске, то это может быть сочтено как признак слабости, как признак того, что он не контролирует ситуацию с распространением в США коронавируса.
Но дело, как оказывается, не только в ношении маски или отказе от неё – ситуация с Covid-19 практически вышла из-под контроля, цифры заболеваемости зашкаливают и просто ужасают. В богатейшей стране мира не хватает оборудования, лекарств, средств индивидуальной защиты для медиков… Впрочем, это всё и так известно, а нам пора заняться нашим словарным запасом.
Прежде всего повторим и усвоим слова:
- to wear a mask / to have a mask – быть маске
- a person wears a mask – people wear masks
- to wear a mask publicly [‘pʌblɪklɪ] – быть в маске на публике
- to wear a mask on a visit – быть в маске, посещая какое–то учреждение / мероприятие
- I expect to be wearing a mask – Я ожидаю / думаю / полагаю, что я буду в маске.
- Mask wearing is necessary – Ношение маски необходимо.
- Wearing a mask (is important / is necessary) – Ношение маски (важно / необходимо)
- to don [dɔn] a mask – надевать маску (разговорный стиль)
- to decline [dɪ’klaɪn] to wear a mask – (отклонить) отказаться носить маску
- to refuse [rɪ’fjuːz] to wear a mask – отказаться носить маску
- to be against masks – быть против масок
- to be seen in a mask – быть замеченным в маске
- a cloth face cover / a face covering – тканевая маска для лица
- cover [‘kʌvə] – покров
- covering [‘kʌv(ə)rɪŋ] – покрытие
- publicly [‘pʌblɪklɪ] – публично, открыто
- to discourage [dɪs’kʌrɪʤ] – отговаривать
- to discourage somebody from doing something
- to politicize [pə’lɪtɪsaɪz] something / doing something – придать политическую окраску чему-то или каким-то действиям
- to give in to pressure [‘preʃə] – уступить давлению
- staff [stɑːf] – (служебный) персонал
- to ridicule [‘rɪdɪkjuːl] – высмеивать, просмеивать
- to wear [weə] (wore [wɔː] – worn [wɔːn]) – носить
- to have (had – had) – иметь, носить, надеть как в to have a mask
- to be (was – were) – быть
Прочитаем выдержки из статьи:
President Donald Trump visited a National Military Medical Center on Saturday and wore a mask.
“I’ll probably have a mask if you must know. I’ll probably have a mask. (…) I think it’s a great thing to wear a mask. I’ve never been against masks but I do believe they have a time and a place,” Trump told reporters ahead of his visit.
Trump was seen in a mask while walking with his staff, who also were wearing masks. He did not make any remarks while wearing one. This is the first time since the pandemic began that you could see Trump with a face covering.
The President’s decision to wear a mask comes after months of declining to publicly wear one.
The President ignored the advice of medical experts for months and discouraged people from wearing masks.
Wearing a mask is one of the most important things we can do to prevent the spread of the virus.
Trump agreed to don a mask in public after his aides urged him (asked insistently) to set an example for his supporters by wearing a mask on the visit.
During an interview Thursday, Trump said, “I expect to be wearing a mask when I go into a hospital.”
Donald Trump has politicized wearing a mask.
Masks have become a political thing as some Americans say that wearing a mask limits their civil liberties. But experts say it is absolutely necessary to wear a “cloth face cover when you go out in public.”
Masks are critical in areas where social distancing is not possible.
Earlier Trump said wearing a mask would make him look weak and give the impression that he wasn’t controlling the pandemic.
The President has also ridiculed those who have worn one publicly. The White House insists that mask wearing isn’t necessary for Trump because he and those around him are tested regularly for Covid-19.
During a May visit to a Ford plant in Michigan, Trump refused to wear a mask, because he said he didn’t want to give in to media criticism and pressure.
Adapted from: source July 12, 2020
President Donald Trump visited a Medical Center on Saturday and a mask.
The President’s decision to wear a mask comes after months of to publicly wear one.
The President ignored the advice of medical experts for months and people from wearing masks.
a mask is one of the most important things we can do to the spread of the virus.
Masks are critical in areas where is not possible.
Earlier Trump said wearing a mask would make him look and give the impression that he wasn’t the pandemic.
The President has also those who have a mask publicly.
During a May visit to a Ford plant in Michigan, Trump to wear a mask, because he said he didn’t want to media criticism and pressure.
Слова многозначны. Уже поэтому каждое слово следует усваивать в его контексте: нужно знать, в окружении каких слов оно может появляться, чтобы правильно его понимать и употреблять в своей речи.
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