Davy and his big family wanted to live in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee.
Davy bought a covered wagon.
He and his family put all of their things inside the wagon: chairs, tables, beds, clothing, and many other things.
Four strong horses pulled the big wagon.
Davy and his wife sat in the front.
The five children were inside the wagon.
After traveling in the forests and mountains, they arrived in Lawrenceburg.
This was their new home.
Davy opened a mill.
He was a hard worker. His neighbours liked him.
Everybody in Lawrenceburg liked him.
Davy and his big family
Davy a wagon.
He and his family all of their things the wagon: chairs, tables, beds, , and many other things. Lawrenceburg, Tennessee.
Four strong horses
Davy and his wife in the front.
The five children were . the big wagon.
After traveling in the
This was their new . and , they Lawrenceburg.
Davy opened
He was .
His ______ liked him. in Lawrenceburg liked him. .
(1) Where did Davy and his big family want to live?
(2) What did Davy buy?
(3) Did they put all of their things inside the wagon?
(4) What did they put inside the wagon?
(5) Four strong horses pulled the big wagon, didn’t they?
(6) Where did Davy and his wife sit?
(7) Where were the five children?
(8) Did they travel in the forests and mountains?
(9) And they arrived in Lawrenceburg, didn’t they?
(10) This was their new home, wasn’t it?
(11) Davy opened a mill, didn’t he?
(12) Was Davy a hard worker?
(13) His neighbours liked him, didn’t they?
(14) Did everybody in Lawrenceburg like him?
arrive [ə’raɪv] v. (in) прибывать в
buy [baɪ] (bought – bought [bɔːt]) v. – покупать: to buy something (from somebody) купить что-то (у кого-то)
covered [‘kʌvəd] крытый
inside [ˌɪn’saɪd] внутри; outside – снаружи
mill [mɪl] мельница: Davy opened a mill. Дэви открыл мельницу.
neighbour [‘neɪbə] сосед: His neighbours liked him. Соседи его любили.
pull [pul] v. тянуть, тащить: to pull something – тащить/волочить что-то
put [put] (put – put) v. класть; ставить: to put something somewhere – положить / поставить что-то куда-то
sit [sɪt] (sat – sat [sæt]) v. сидеть, садиться, усаживаться: to sit in front – сесть впереди / усаживаться впереди
wagon [‘wægən] – повозка: фургон: a covered wagon – крытый фургон: Davy boughta covered wagon. Дэви купил крытый фургон.
The map at the top of the page shows the state of Tennessee and Lawrence County. The city of Lawrenceburg is situated in the center of Lawrence County, a little to the right, as you can see in the image.
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