to deploy [dɪˈplɔɪ] = to move troops into position for military action
to deploy forces at strategic locations
Forces were deployed at strategic locations.

The Pentagon has moved (deployed) 1,600 US Army soldiers.
on alert – в состоянии готовности
The Pentagon has deployed (= has moved) about 1,600 troops to the bases near Washington D.C. and has them on alert to respond to protests and unrest if necessary.
However, no troops have been deployed (= positioned) in Washington yet. They are at military bases but not in Washington, D.C.

What the Law Says About Deploying Troops on U.S. Soil
«President Donald Trump, responding to sometimes-violent protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police, said he would send in the U.S. military to “quickly solve” the problems of looting and rioting if the nation’s mayors and governors did not act forcefully enough. The use of the armed forces within U.S. borders is strictly governed by federal law, however, and there would be serious questions about the legality of such a move.» Source

Deploying to the Middle East. (7 Jan 2020)
Military families react to new troop deployments. (7 Jan 2020)
Район новой дислокации – Ближний Восток
Семьи о передислокации военнослужащих

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