The Russian vaccine, Sputnik V, “has an impressive 91.6 percent efficacy rate against the virus.”
It “is completely protective against severe cases of Covid-19.” NYT
efficacy [‘efɪkəsɪ] эффективность
rate [reɪt] уровень, величина: efficacy rate эффективность, уровень / степень эффективности
severe [sɪ’vɪə] суровый; severe cases тяжёлые случаи
The news will help sell the vaccine to other countries in the the pandemic.
Last August, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared on national television that Russia became the first country a COVID-19 vaccine.
He said one of his daughters had already the two .
At the time, the vaccine had only been tested on 50 people.
Kirill Dmitriev is head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, or RDIF, the organization that paid for the vaccine’s .
“Russia was from the very beginning,” he said.
The fund says Sputnik V has been approved for use in more than 12 other countries.
They the former Soviet republics of Belarus, Armenia and Turkmenistan; Latin American nations Argentina, Bolivia and Venezuela; African nations such as Algeria as well as Serbia, Iran, Palestine and United Arab Emirates.
An RDIF told The Associated Press that more than 50 countries have to buy 2.4 billion doses.
The latest study is based on involving about 20,000 people over 18 at hospitals in Moscow between September and November.
About 75 percent of the people received two of the vaccine 21 days and the rest got a – a shot with an inactive substance.
Polly Roy is a professor of virology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She said there should no longer be any about the Russian vaccine.
She said the high of antibodies made by Sputnik V suggest that it could also some of the new COVID-19 variants.
But more studies are needed to that.
“Initially, I had some about what they were saying and thought they were getting too much publicity, but the data are now very ,” Roy said.
Last month, Putin ordered a large campaign to begin in Russia.
apart [ə’pɑːt] в отдельности; 21 days apart с интервалом в 21 день
approve [ə’pruːv] v. одобрять
concern [kən’sɜːn] обеспокоенность
confirm [kən’fɜːm] v. подтверждать
development [dɪ’veləpmənt] развитие; разработка
emergency [ɪ’mɜːʤ(ə)n(t)sɪ] чрезвычайная ситуация, ЧП
emergency use использование в крайнем случае
include [ɪn’kluːd] v. включать
involve [ɪn’vɔlv] v. содержать, включать
placebo [plə’siːbəu] плацебо, безвредное вещество
publicity [pʌb’lɪsətɪ] гласность,реклама
race [reɪs] гонка, состязание в скорости: the race against the pandemic гонка за обуздание пандемии
request [rɪ’kwest] v. просить; request просьба
research [rɪ’sɜːʧ] исследование
shot [ʃɔt] выстрел; укол, инъекция: to receive a shot получить укол
spokesman [‘spəuksmən] представитель
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