This is a new type of weapon.
It is a non-lethal weapon.
It was developed in secret by the US military
And now it is ready for use.
This weapon fires a beam hundreds of metres and causes great pain.
In fact, it is a pain ray.
The name of the weapon is Active Denial.
Some $120 million has been spent on the development of the weapon in the US.
The weapon can be used on people in war zones, prisons, and riots.
Many want to shelve this pain ray before it is fired for real.
But supporters of the weapon say that it will save lives.
They argue that the chances of serious injury are small, and the weapon causes less harm than tasers, rubber bullets, or batons.
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baton [‘bæt(ə)n] полицейская дубинка
beam [biːm] луч
cause [kɔːz] v. причинять
denial [dɪ’naɪəl]отрицание; недопущение: Active Denial System система активного отбрасывания
harm [hɑːm] вред
injury [‘ɪnʤ(ə)rɪ] повреждение, рана
lethal [‘liːθ(ə)l] смертельный, смертоносный
metre [‘miːtə] метр meter в американской орфографии
pain [peɪn] боль
ray [reɪ] луч
riot [‘raɪət] бунт, восстание
rubber [‘rʌbə] каучук, резина
shelve [ʃelv] v. помещать на полку; класть в долгий ящик
some [sʌm] приблизительно
weapon [‘wepən] оружие
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