Two people have been killed and one person has been critically injured in an attack in the south of France. One of the victims has been decapitated.

The barbaric knife attack took place in and near a local Catholic church, it is the Notre Dame Basilica in Nice.

The attacker was shot by police, he is alive and in custody.

The attack is being treated as an act of terrorism. A terror probe has been opened.


Two people ____ ______ __________ and one person ___ ____ ____ _________in an attack in the south of France.

One of the victims ___ ______ ___________

The barbaric knife attack________ ____________in and near a local Catholic church, it is the Notre Dame Basilica in Nice.

The attacker ________ ____________by police, he is alive and in custody.

The attack _____ __________ _____as an act of terrorism.

A terror probe ____ _______ _________.



How many people have been injured in the atеack?_______________________________.

Where did the attack take place?______________________________.

Was it a knife attack?_______________________________.

The attacker was shot by police, wasn’t he? ______________________________.

Is the attacker alive? ___________________________.

Where is he now? ______________________________.

Is the attack being treated as an act of terrorism? ______________________________.

A terror probe has been opened, hasn’t it? ______________________________.



basilica [bə’zɪlɪkə]базилика
church [ʧɜːʧ] церковь
custody [‘kʌstədɪ] заключение в тюрьму: in custody взят под стражу
decapitate [dɪ’kæpɪteɪt] v. обезглавливать; to behead
injure [‘ɪnʤə] v. ранить
probe [prəub] расследование
victim [‘vɪktɪm] жертва, пострадавший

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