Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have filmed a video encouraging people to vote in the forthcoming presidential election. The couple did not endorse Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee. And they didn’t mention Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee.
But Meghan Markle has shown her support for the Democratic party on several occasions. So, in fact, the couple has encouraged Americans to vote for Trump’s opposition.
Now, once again and in other words. Meghan and Harry did not endorse any of the candidates. But their comments have been interpreted as backing Biden over Trump.
Donald Trump was asked at a White House briefing about his reaction to the Meghan and Harry video-address.
– I’m not a fan of hers, and I would say this – and she probably has heard that – but, I wish a lot of luck to Harry, because he’s going to need it.
When Donald Trump is making these remarks, he shuts his eyes several times, as though he does not want the audience to read the expression in them.
But at the same time, his face is lit by a sly smile as though he would like the audience to know that his grasp of the whole thing is much deeper than what he is letting on.
Donald Trump is a skillful conversationalist. And he has a lot of communicative tricks up his sleeve.
Now, let us listen to the question which was addressed to the president.
– Prince Harry and Meghan Markle chimed in on the U.S. election and essentially encouraged people to vote for Joe Biden. I wanted to get your reaction to that.
So, the correspondent wants the president to give his reaction to the Meghan and Harry video-address. But he does not give his reaction to it in so many words. Still, he makes his position more than clear.
Donald Trump does not care what Meghan has to say about the forthcoming election.
By the way, being the wife of a senior royal, she should not be speaking on the matter at all.
Harry is fully aware of it.
Members of the royal family do not participate in politics, they are politically neutral. They do not vote. And they do not encourage people to vote for this or that candidate.
Obviously, Harry cannot stand up to his strong-willed wife. It is obvious, he follows her lead.
Donald Trump kindly wishes him luck and does not criticize his position in this matter.
This shows that he believes Harry to be weak.
In his opinion, Harry is a weakling.
President Trump’s remark paints Harry as being at a disadvantage, so he will need lots of luck to overcome it.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have filmed a video people to vote in the presidential election.
The couple did not Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential .
They didn’t Donald Trump, the Republican presidential , either.
But Meghan Markle has shown her the Democratic party on several occasions.
So, in fact, the couple has Americans for Trump’s opposition.
Now, once again and in other words. Though Meghan and Harry did not any of the candidates, their comments have been interpreted as Biden over Trump.
Donald Trump was asked at a White House briefing about his the Meghan and Harry video-address.
– I’m not a fan of , and I would say this – and she probably has that – but, I a lot of luck to Harry, because he’s going to it.
When Donald Trump is making these remarks, he his eyes several times, as though he does not want the audience to read the in them.
But at the same time, his face is by a sly smile as though he would like the audience to know that his of the whole thing is much deeper than what he is .
Donald Trump is a conversationalist. And he has a lot of communicative up his sleeve.
Now, let us listen to the question which was to the president.
– Prince Harry and Meghan Markle chimed in on the U.S. and essentially people to vote for Joe Biden. I wanted to get your that.
So, the correspondent wants the president to give his reaction to the Meghan and Harry video-address. But he does not give his reaction to it in so many . Still, he his position more than .
Donald Trump does not care what Meghan has to say about the
By the way, being the wife of a royal, she should not be speaking on the at all. election.
Harry is fully it.
Members of the royal family do not in politics, they are politically .
They do not vote. And they do not people to vote for this or that candidate.
Obviously, Harry cannot his strong-willed wife. It is obvious, he her lead.
Donald Trump kindly
This shows that he believes Harry to be . him luck and does not criticize his position this matter.
Harry is a .
President Trump’s remark paints Harry as being at a , so he will need lots of luck to it.
- What do you think?
(1) Is Harry a weakling?
(2) Will he need lots of luck?
(3) Is Meghan a gold-digger?
(4) Is Harry at a disadvantage?
(5) Does it matter? - Did Donald Trump answer the question?
Did he give his reaction in so many words?
Can you read his reaction?
golddigger [‘gəuldˌdɪgə] охотница за деньгами,
женщина, которая выходит замуж
исключительно из меркантильных соображений
aware [ə’weə] осознающий, понимающий: to be fully aware of something
chime [ʧaɪm] v. исполнять мелодию колоколами; to chime in вставить ремарку
clear [klɪə] ясный, понятный: to make one’s position clear прояснить свою позицию
conversationalist [ˌkɔnvə’seɪʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪst] собеседник, участник разговора
disadvantage [ˌdɪsəd’vɑːntɪʤ] неблагоприятные условия: at a disadvantage попасть в невыгодное положение
encourage [ɪn’kʌrɪʤ] / [en’kʌrɪʤ] v. поощрять; подстрекать. to encourage people to vote
endorse [ɪn’dɔːs] / [en’dɔːs] v. рекомендовать: to endorse a candidate поддержать кандидата (на выборах)
essentially [ɪ’senʃ(ə)lɪ] по существу
follow [‘fɔləu] v. следовать за
forthcoming [ˌfɔːθ’kʌmɪŋ] грядущий, предстоящий: the forthcoming presidential election предстоящие президентские выборы
lead [liːd] руководство, to follow somebody’s lead следовать за; брать пример с
let on v. сообщать/выдавать сведения/ информацию; to let [let] (let – let)
light [laɪt] (lighted [laɪtɪd] – lit [lɪt]) v. зажигать, освещать, освещаться: his face is lit by a smile его лицо освещает/осветила улыбка
luck [lʌk] удача: to wish somebody luck пожелать кому-то удачи
matter [‘mætə] вопрос, дело
mention [‘menʃ(ə)n] v. упоминать
neutral [‘njuːtr(ə)l] нейтральный: politically neutral
nominee [ˌnɔmɪ’niː] кандидат, выдвинутый на выборах; претендент
obvious [‘ɔbvɪəs] очевидный; obviously [‘ɔbvɪəslɪ] ясно, очевидно
overcome [ˌəuvə’kʌm] v. преодолевать
participate [pɑː’tɪsɪpeɪt] v. принимать участие: to participate in politics участвовать в политике
senior [‘siːnɪə]: a senior royal старший член королевской семьи Великобритании
shut [ʃʌt] (shut – shut) v. закрывать: to shut one’s eyes закрывать / прикрывать глаза, also to close one’s eyes
skillful [‘skɪlf(ə)l] / [‘skɪlful] опытный, искусный: a skillful conversationalist искусный собеседник / опытный участник разговоров
sleeve [sliːv] рукав: to have tricks up one’s sleeve иметь в запасе много хитроумных приёмов
sly [slaɪ] лукавый, хитрый
stand up to somebody противостоять кому-л. stand [stænd] v. (stood – stood [stuːd]) стоять
support [sə’pɔːt]поддержка: to show support for a candidate: оказать поддержку кандидату; support v. поддерживать: to support a candidate
vote [vəut] v. голосовать
weak [wiːk] слабый
weakling [‘wiːklɪŋ] сбабак
word [wɜːd] слово; in so many words ясно, недвусмысленно
Read the entry in Russian, too, in my Fontyler blog here.
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