April 17, 2020
The Daily Mail newspaper says that old people are dying in old-people’s homes because they are not tested for coronavirus. The newspaper claims that there is a ‘hidden epidemic’ of coronavirus in old-people’s homes and the deaths of residents of old people’s homes are not reported.
This epidemic is not reported or under-reported because the residents are not tested.
Official report says that the virus killed 217 residents of old-people’s homes in England and Wales in the two weeks up to April 3.
But a Tory minister says the figure is much higher – it is “about 1,000”.
And reports in the Daily Mail say 4,000 care home residents may have died. This ‘hidden epidemic’ of coronavirus in old-people’s homes may have cost 4,000 lives.
old-people’s home / care home = дом престарелых
to hide (hid – hidden) – прятать, скрывать
Piers Morgan is a TV presenter.
He is also a journalist and a writer.
Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain interviewed the Care Minister over a report in the Daily Mail. The report says that that deaths in care homes are under-reported because the residents there are not tested. He showed the Care Minister, Helen Whately, the newspaper.
And the Care Minister started laughing.
– I don’t know why you’re laughing. It’s serious.” What’s funny about coronavirus deaths?
–I don’t think it’s funny in the slightest. I’m not laughing at all.
the Care Minister – министр социальной опеки Великобритании
Хелен Уотли – министр социального обеспечения /
социальной опеки партии Тори Великобритании
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