This is Charlie. Charlie is a terrier.

And who is this with Charlie?
This is John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the USA.

JFK was very fond of Charlie. He liked Charlie very much. Charlie was his favorite.

Charlie was a good dog. But he did not always behave himself.

Charlie was not fond of the White House gardeners.
He wanted to have the White House garden all for himself.
Charlie hid bones in the garden.

The gardeners always found the bones he had hidden in the garden and threw them away!
Naturally, Charlie did not like it. And who would?!
So, Charlie bit them. He bit them on the bum.

And what did the gardeners do?
Did they snarl?
Did they bark?
No! They did not.

They shrugged their shoulders.
They knew that complaints would not help.
Complaints were of no use.
Complaints would fall on deaf Presidential ears.

Charlie was the President’s favorite, and he knew it.
So, he misbehaved!


This is Charlie, a ____________________.

JFK was very _____________  _______Charlie.

Charlie was his____________________.

Charlie did not always ____________________.

Charlie was not ____________________the White House____________________.

He wanted to have the White House garden all for ____________________.

Charlie ____________________bones in the garden.

The gardeners always ____________________the ____________________he had ____________________in the garden and____________________them away!

Naturally, Charlie did not ____________________it. And who ____________________?!

So, Charlie ____________________them. He bit them on the____________________.

Did the gardeners ____________________?

Did they____________________?
No! They did not.

They ____________________their ____________________.

They ____________________that ____________________would not ____________________.

Complaints were of ____________________.

Complaints would ____________________on ____________________

Presidential ____________________.

Charlie was the President’s ____________________, and he____________________it.

So, he ____________________!


Charlie is a terrier, isn’t he? _________________________________________.

And who is this with Charlie? _________________________________________.

Was JFK very fond of Charlie? _________________________________________.

Did he like Charlie very much? _________________________________________.

Was Charlie his favorite? _________________________________________.

Charlie was a good dog, wasn’t he? _________________________________________.

But he did not always behave himself, did he? _________________________________________.

Charlie was not fond of the White House gardeners, was he? _________________________________________.

He wanted to have the White House garden all for himself, didn’t he? _________________________________________.

What did Charlie hide in the garden? _________________________________________.

Did the gardeners find the bones he had hidden in the garden? _________________________________________.

What did the gardeners do with the bones? _________________________________________!

Charlie did not like it, did he? _________________________________________.

Did Charlie bite the gardeners? _________________________________________.

He bit them on the bum, didn’t he? _________________________________________.

Did the gardeners snarl? _________________________________________.

Did the gardeners bark? _________________________________________.

What did they do? _________________________________________.

They knew that complaints would not help, didn’t they? _________________________________________.

Complaints would fall on deaf ears, wouldn’t they? _________________________________________.

Charlie was the President’s favourite, and he knew it, didn’t he? _________________________________________.

Did he behave himself? _________________________________________.

Did he misbehave? _________________________________________.

Charlie did not misbehave, did he? _________________________________________.


bark [bɑːk] v. лаять; bark лай

behave [bɪ’heɪv] / [bə’heɪv] v. вести себя; behave oneself вести себя хорошо; Charlie did not always behave himself. He misbehaved from time to time. Чарли не всегда вёл себя хорошо. Иногда он вёл себя плохо.

bite [baɪt] (bit [bɪt] – bitten [‘bɪtn]/ bit) v. This dog bites. Эта собака кусается. Charlie bit the gardeners. Чарли кусал садовников.

bum  [bʌm] зад, задница: The dog bit the gardener on the bum. Собака укусила садовника ниже спины.

complain [kəm’pleɪn] v. выражать недовольство, жаловаться

complaint [kəm’pleɪnt] жалоба, недовольство Complaints were of no use. Жалобы были бесполезны.

deaf [def] глухой

ear [ɪə] ухо

fall [fɔːl] (fell [fel] – fallen [‘fɔːlən]) v. падать. to fall on deaf ears быть пропущенным мимо ушей

favourite [‘feɪv(ə)rɪt] фаворит, любимец; favouriteнаписание в  британском английском; favoriteнаписание в американском варианте английского языка

find [faɪnd] (foundfound [faund]) v. находить, отыскивать: The gardeners always found the bones, the dog had hidden in the garden. Садовники находили кости, которые собака прятала в саду. to find out (found outfound out)  обнаружить

fond [fɔnd] любящий: to be fond of somebody/something любить кого-то/что-то

gardener [‘gɑːdnə] садовник

have (had – had) v. to have something all to oneself иметь в своём (исключительном) распоряжении, пользоваться в одиночку 

know [nəu] (knew [njuː] – known [nəun]) v. знать: Charlie was the President’s favourite, and he knew it. Чарли был любимцем президента, и он это знал.

misbehave [ˌmɪsbɪ’heɪv] / [ˌmɪsbə’heɪv] плохо себя вести

shoulder [‘ʃəuldə] плечо

snarl [snɑːl] v. рычать; snarl рычание
shrug [ʃrʌg] v. пожимать: to shrug ones shoulders пожимать плечами

terrier [‘terɪə] терьер

throw [θrəu] (threw [θruː] – thrown [θrəun]) v. выбрасывать, также to throw something away

use [juːs] польза; use [juːz] v. использовать, применять

would [wud] вспомогательный, а здесь модальный глагол: Charlie did not like it. And who would? Чарли это не нравилось. А кому бы это понравилось?

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