The first presidential debate turned out to be a total disgrace.

It lasted 90 minutes. The 90-minute war of words was fiery.

Donald Trump said that Biden is incompetent. He told Biden: “You could never have done the job that we did, you don’t have it in your blood.”
Joe Biden told Trump that he is “the worst president” in history.

At one point, Biden told Trump to shut up. These are his words: “Shut up, man!” And these are his words, too: “Would you just shush for a minute?” This, of course, is more polite. But not good enough for a presidential debate.
On the other hand, Donald Trump was constantly interrupting Joe Biden. This is not good for a presidential debate, either.

The debate turned out to be a shouting match. Trump was talking over the top of Biden. He even talked over the top of moderator Chris Wallace! And Biden was talking over the top of Trump, too. Well, if this isn’t a shouting match, then what is?

So, who has won the first presidential debate?
It depends on the criteria.

Biden has shown that he can stay on his feet for 90 minutes. And speak coherently, which is a big win for him, of course.
Biden speaks in a soft voice and it seems that there is little energy in his voice.

Trump has shown that he has a louder voice than Biden. His voice is louder than the voice of Biden, which is a win for Trump, of course.

So, both have won. And… both have lost.
And some say that the American people have lost.



The first presidential debate _________ ___to be a total __________.

It __________90 minutes.

The 90-minute __________ of words was__________.

Donald Trump said that Biden is __________.

He told Biden: “You could never have done the __________that we __________, you __________have it in your blood.”

Joe Biden told Trump that he is “the __________president” in history.

At one point, Biden told Trump to __________. And these are his words: “Would you just __________for a minute?”

This, of course, is more __________. But not good __________for a presidential debate.

On the other __________, Donald Trump was constantly__________Joe Biden. This is not good for a presidential debate, __________.

The debate __________to be a __________.

Trump was __________over the top of Biden.

He even talked over the top of __________Chris Wallace! And Biden was __________over the top of Trump, too.
Well, if this isn’t a __________, then what is?

So, who has __________the first presidential debate?

It depends of the __________.

Trump has shown that he has a louder __________ than Biden.

His voice is __________than the voice of Biden.

Biden has shown that he can stay on his __________ for 90 minutes.
And speak __________.

So, both __________won. And… __________ have lost.


Which is correct:

  • Donald Trump said that Biden is / Donald Trump said that Biden was incompetent.
  • Joe Biden told Trump that he is “the worst president” in history. / Joe Biden told Trump that he was “the worst president” in history.

The answer is: all are. The first sentence in a pair expresses something which is true for all times, for the past and the present, a universal truth, so to speak. The same thing here:

  • Galileo said that the earth moves.
  • Egyptians knew that the earth is round.

But of course, one can follow the rules of the sequence of tenses. Especially when taking a grammar test. :))


(1) Biden doesn’t always speak coherently, does he?__________________________.

(2) Biden hasn’t always managed to speak coherently, has he?__________________________.

(3) Coherent speech is very important if you are a presidential candidate, isn’t it?__________________________



coherent [kə(u)’hɪər(ə)nt] связный, логически последовательный; coherently связно
criteria [kraɪ’tɪərɪə] мн.ч. критерии; criterion [kraɪ’tɪərɪən] критерий, мерило
disgrace [dɪs’greɪs] позор
either [‘aɪðə] тоже в отриц. предложении
fiery [‘faɪərɪ] пламенный: The war of words was fiery. Словесная баталия оказалась яркой.
interrupt [ˌɪntə’rʌpt] v. прерывать, перебивать  to interrupt somebody
job [ʤɔb] работа, выполненная работа, дело: to do a job выполнить работу, сделать дело
lose [luːz] (lost – lost [lɔst]) v. терять, проигрывать
loss [lɔs] потеря, проигрыш
polite [pə’laɪt] вежливый, воспитанный
shouting [‘ʃautɪŋ] крики, ор: The debate turned out to be a shouting match. Не дебаты, а базар, где кто кого перекричит.
shush [ʃuʃ] / [ʃʌʃ] v. замолкунть: shush for a minute рот прикрой на минутку
shut up [ʃʌt] [ʌp] v. заткнуться

soft [sɔft] мягкий; слабый; тихий: soft voice тихий голос
stay [steɪ] v. оставаться: He can stay on his feet for 90 minutes. Он может простоять на ногах в течение полутора часов.
talk [tɔːk] v. говорить; to talk over the top of somebody перекрикивать кого-то
turn [tɜːn v. поворачивать(ся); to turn out to be оказаться
voice [vɔɪs] голос
win [wɪn]  (wonwon [wʌn]) v. выигрывать, одерживать победу
win [wɪn] победа; выигрыш

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