Thanksgiving is a holiday in the United States. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. This year Thanksgiving was celebrated on November 26th. The holiday dates back to 1621. In October of that […]
Thanksgiving is a holiday in the United States. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. This year Thanksgiving was celebrated on November 26th. The holiday dates back to 1621. In October of that […]
СЛУШАЕМ И ЧИТАЕМ* Читаем текст, стараясь подражать диктору: Born on October 30th, 1960, in Buenos Aires, Maradona was the fifth of eight children of a factory worker. As a child, he slept with a […]
Слушаем и читаем: Читаем текст ещё раз Natalie looks at him. She thinks, “No!” But she says, “Why do you want another hat, Bernardo? You have twenty!” “I like hats,” Bernardo says. “And […]
JFK – сокращение от John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Прежде чем посмотреть второй отрывок о дне гибели президента Кеннеди, ознакомимся с рядом лексических единиц. После первого произнесения каждого слова или словосочетания следует небольшая пауза, достаточная для того, […]
Прежде чем посмотреть отрывок из документального фильма о дне гибели президента Кеннеди, выучим или повторим слова. assassin [ə’sæsɪn] убийца (совершающий убийство политического или видного общественного деятеля) assassinate [ə’sæsɪneɪt] v. совершать политическое убийство, убивать видного деятеля […]
Bernardo lives in Rome. He likes hats. One day he is at a street market near the Colosseum. Suddenly, he stops. “I like that hat!” he says. Bernardo buys the hat. “I can put […]
“Just half your money… I got an arrangement with the guy in the next bush!” FILL IN THE BLANKS “Just your money… I got an with the in the next !” VOCABULARY useful […]
The most common remarks, such as speech etiquette formulas, are most commonly pronounced so indistinctly that a non-native speaker is hard put to make them out. This is especially the case when the speaker mumbles […]
at last [ət] [lɑːst] наконец finally [‘faɪn(ə)lɪ] в конце концов nightmare [‘naɪtmeə] кошмар, страшный сон; ужас
(…) And four astronauts join the crew of the International Space Station. The three Americans and one Japanese astronaut left Florida on Sunday night. In a little more detail: Four astronauts arrived at the John […]
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