In 1835 the Crockett family left Tennessee. They put all their things in a big covered wagon and they travelled for many days. They finally arrived in Texas.
At that time, Texas belonged to Mexico. At first, the Mexican Government was happy with the American settlers. They cultivated the land.
Many settlers went to Texas because land was very cheap. With a little money, a settler bought a lot of land. More and more Americans went to Texas. There were about 20,000 American settlers in eastern Texas. There were only 5,000 Mexicans! The Mexican Government did not like this. There were too many Americans!
Mexico decided to close its borders. The American settlers were very angry.
In the Crockett family Tennessee. They all their things in a big and they for many days. They finally Texas.
At that time, Texas Mexico. At first, the Mexican Government was the American . They
Many went to Texas because land was very . With a little money, a settler a lot of land. More and more Americans Texas. There were about 20,000 American in eastern Texas. There were only 5,000 Mexicans! The Mexican Government
There were too Americans!
Mexico decided to its . The American settlers were very .
(1) Did the Crockett family leave Tennessee in 1835?
(2) Did they put all their things in a big covered wagon?
(3) Did they travel for many days?
(4) They finally arrived in Texas, didn’t they?
(5) Did Texas belong to Mexico at that time?
(6) At first, the Mexican Government was happy with the American settlers, wasn’t it?
(7) Why was it happy with the American settlers?
(8) Why did many settlers go to Texas?
(9) Did a settler buy a lot of land with a little money?
(10) Did more and more Americans go to Texas?
(11) There were about 20,000 American settlers in eastern Texas, weren’t there?
(12) How many Mexicans were there?
(13) The Mexican Government did not like this, did it?
(14) There were too many Americans, weren’t there?
(15) Did Mexico decide to close its borders?
(16) Were the American settlers very happy?
arrive [ə’raɪv] in / (at) приезжать, прибывать: A lot of Americans arrived in Mexico in the nineteenth century [‘senʧərɪ]. В19-м веке в Мексику прибыло много американцев. After a long journey [‘ʤɜːnɪ] we arrived at a small settlement [‘setlmənt]. – После длительного путешествия мы прибыли в небольшое поселение.
belong [bɪ’lɔŋ] v. (to) принадлежать кому-то
border [‘bɔːdə] граница: Mexico decided to close its borders. Мексика приняла решение закрыть границы. Some European countries have opened their borders after the pandemic. Ряд европейских стран открыли границы после окончания пандемии.
buy [baɪ] (bought – bought) v. – покупать: to buy something from somebody купить / покупать что–то у кого–то Americans bought a lot of land from Mexicans. Американцы скупали землю у мексикарнцев.
cheap [ʧiːp] дешёвый: Land was cheap at that time. В то время землю можно было купить недорого.
covered wagon [ˌkʌvəd’wægən] – крытый фургон (с парусиновым верхом)
cultivate [‘kʌltɪveɪt] v. возделывать, обрабатывать: They cultivated the land they bought. Они обрабатывали / возделывали приобретённую землю.
go [gəu] (went [went]– gone [gɔn]) v. ехать, приезжать, приходить: More and more Americans went to Texas. Глагол to go указывает на движение от говорящего. Глагол же to come указывает на движение к говорящему. Если говорящий находится в Мексике, то он скажет: More and more Americans came to Texas.
leave [liːv] (left – left [left]) v. оставлять, покидать: They left Texas in 1835. Они уехали из Техаса в 1835 году.
lot – a lot of = much, many много, употребляется как с им. сущ. исчисляемым, так и неисчисляемым: They bought a lot of land. And they bought a lot of horses. Они приобретали обширные участки земли. Они также покупали много лошадей.
put [put] (put – put ) v. ставить, класть, складывать: They put all their things in a big covered wagon. – Они сложили все свои пожитки в крытый фургон.`
settler [‘setlə] поселенец: A lot of settlers settled in Mexico at that time. – В то время в Мексике осело много поселенцев.
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