(…) And four astronauts join the crew of the International Space Station. The three Americans and one Japanese astronaut left Florida on Sunday night.

In a little more detail:

Four astronauts arrived at the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sunday to prepare for a trip to the International Space Station (ISS).

An airplane brought the astronauts to Kennedy from the U.S. space agency’s training center in Houston, Texas. The three Americans and one Japanese are set to leave for the ISS Saturday night, if weather conditions permit.

After VOA: November 2020


And four astronauts ____________the ____________of the International Space Station.

Four astronauts ____________the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sunday to ____________for a ____________to the International Space Station (ISS).

An airplane ____________the astronauts to Kennedy from the U.S. space agency’s ____________  ________ in Houston, Texas.

The three Americans and one Japanese are ____________to leave for the ISS Saturday night, if weather conditions ____________.



astronaut [‘æstrənɔːt] астронавт, космонавт
bring [brɪŋ] (broughtbrought [brɔːt]) v. приносить; привозить
center [‘sentə] брит. (амер.: centre) центр
condition [kən’dɪʃ(ə)n] условие; conditions обстановка
crew [kruː] экипаж
Florida [‘flɔrɪdə] Флорида
Houston [‘hjuːst(ə)n] Хьюстон (город в США, штат Техас, где находится Центр космических исследований НАСА)
join [ʤɔɪn] v. присоединять(ся)
permit [pə’mɪt] v. позволять
prepare [prɪ’peə] v. готовиться: to prepare for a trip
set (setset) v. располагать; to be set to do something быть в готовности сдедать что-то: they are set to leave
space [speɪs] пространство; космос
Texas [‘teksəs] Техас
training [‘treɪnɪŋ] обучение, подготовка: training center центр подготовки
trip [trɪp] путешествие, поездка

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