For a non-native speaker of English, it may sometimes be rather difficult to make out what is being said by a native speaker. There are many reasons for it, one of them is indistinct speech when the most common words are not pronounced distinctly enough, because a native speaker can hear them clearly anyway.
For a
of English, it may sometimes be rather to what is being said by a .There are many
for it, one of them is speech when the most common words are not pronounced enough, because a native speaker can hear them anyway.
anyway [‘enɪweɪ] в любом случае
distinctly [dɪ’stɪŋktlɪ] отчётливо
indistinct [ˌɪndɪ’stɪŋkt] невнятный
make out (made out – made out) v. разобрать, различить, понять
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