Все ли эти слова вам знакомы? Если нет, обратитесь к словарной разработке, следующей за текстом.
- behind
- bride
- bystander
- crash
- drag
- footage
- fortunately
- from above
- groom
- to injure
- to marry
- meanwhile
- newlywed
- ocean
- photo
- remember
- to rise
- rock
- sand
- to take pictures
- wedding
Look at this photo.
These are newlyweds. The bride and groom have just been married. They are standing on a rock in Laguna Beach, California. They are posing for a photo.
Suddenly, there is a big wave. It rises up behind them, crashes over them, and drags them into the ocean!
Meanwhile, a bystander is taking pictures from above.
Fortunately, lifeguards have pulled the couple from the sea.
Fortunately, no one was injured. This is their wedding day and it is a day they’ll remember.
Этот текст помогает нам запомнить слова из нескольких смысловых групп.
- wedding [‘wedɪŋ] – свадьба. Their wedding did not go according to plan.
- couple [‘kʌpl] – пара. The couple were standing on a rock.
- to marry [‘mærɪ] – жениться
- They have just been married (пассивный залог) – Их только что сочетали брачными узами.
- They have just got married (активный залог) – Они только что поженились.
- bride [braɪd] – невеста
- groom [gruːm] – жених
- bride and groom – жених и невеста
- The bride and groom have just been married. / The bride and groom have just got married.
Обратите внимание на то, что в словосочетании the bride and groom определённый артикль стоит только перед первым словом.
- ocean [‘əuʃ(ə)n] – океан: into the ocean – в океан
- wave [weɪv] – волна: A big wave rose behind them. – Сзади них поднялась огромная волна.
- sand [sænd] – песок: They were pulled back on the sand. – Их вытащили обратно на песок.
- rock [rɔk] – скала, камень: They were standing on a rock.
- to rise [raɪz] (rose [rəuz] – risen [‘rɪz(ə)n] ); to rise up – подниматься, вздыматься
- to crash [kræʃ] to crash over somebody – с грохотом обрушится; с грохотом обрушиться на кого-то
- to drag [dræg] – тащить волоком
- The wave rises up, crashes and drags them into the ocean!
- to take a picture [‘pɪkʧə] – сделать снимок
- to take a photo [‘fəutəu]- сделать снимок
- to take (took – taken) – брать
- A bystander took a lot of pictures / photos. Очевидец сделал много снимков.
- footage [‘futɪʤ] – метраж, отснятая плёнка. The footage is very good. – Отснятый материал весьма хорош.
- bystander [‘baɪˌstændə] – наблюдатель, очевидец
- lifeguard [‘laɪfgɑːd] – спасатель на водах: Lifeguards pulled the couple from the sea. – Спасатели вытащили пару из воды
- injured [‘ɪnʤəd] – раненый, травмированный. No one was injured. – Никто серьёзно не пострадал.
- behind [bɪ’haɪnd] – сзади
- meanwhile [ˌmiːn’waɪl] – тем временем
- from above [ə’bʌv] – сверху, находясь выше
- fortunately [‘fɔːʧ(ə)nətlɪ] – к счастью
Look at the . The bride and have just been . They are standing on a in Laguna Beach, California. They are for a photo.
Suddenly, there is a big . It up behind them, over them, and them into the ocean!
, a bystander is taking pictures from .
Fortunately, have the couple from the sea.
Fortunately, no one was .
This is their day and it is a day they’ll .
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